Apollo XX , the secret mission

The mission secretes to the Moon Russian - North American, Apollo 20, realized in August, 1976, it was driven by William Rutledge, Leona Marietta Snyder and Alexis Leonor. The FISHNET concealed it not to put in evidence, because one of the intentions of the mission was precisely to examine an extraterrestrial eventful ship that the Apollo 11 had detected in the secret face of the satellite.
All the videoes raised to the Net (Youtube) on the Apollo 20 are false, but the original filming exists and is in power of the FISHNET, which obviously keeps her secret. Rutledge had an authentic copy, but it was visited by Men in Black - when not? - that took her to him with the promise of which in a little time they would announce her publicly. Is it necessary to say that they did not fulfill what they promised?
At present, in the Moon already almost there do not stay vestiges of which at some time there were extraterrestrial bases, so since who lived them have taken all his belongings to him,so that when in a not very distant future the terrestrial tourism comes to the satellite, he will meet that there does not exist any more than rocks and craters. Then the sceptics, displaying of his proverbial tontera, will say proud: " did they see that we had reason? ".
The spaceship that was programmed in order that her the astronauts of the Apollo were visiting 20 scarcely was measuring 150 meters of length, only it was used for interplanetary trips and had been constructed approximately 500 years ago. Also was no corpse in her interior. All that means that in the article that the Italian journalist did to the ex-astronaut William Rutledge there were, close to real facts, others that were not happening of being a pure fantasy …
In the Moon there was never an extraterrestrial civilization, but small quotas from Anthea, Bellatrix and Orión 3, between others, which bases were not going on of about 40.000 m2, that is to say, reduced at most to 200 meters of length per 200 meters of width. On the other hand, they were not totally in the lunar surface but in the interior, and this one is the fundamental reason of which they could not be seen from the Earth.
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