Moon Transient Phenomena

"In 1879 the Royal Astronomic British Society was dealing a circular letter to the astronomers members, in her reports were asked on any anomalous observation in the Moon. In a little time they met flooded by an enormous quantity of statements that they were speaking about lights that were crossing the craters, volcanic eruptions and explosions. In two years they received more than two million reports, so that collapsed before the quantity of information they cancelled the investigations and did not emit any conclusive opinion about the topic."
This demonstrated that the strange phenomena observed in our satellite were far from becoming very much isolated, and from fans of big astronomers they had observed these events. In 1787 W. Herschel (discoverer of Uranus) affirmed to have observed three volcanic eruptions and two years later the teacher Schroeter (eminent scientific specialist in the moon) declared to see " a brilliant snap of light, which was composed of many small and separated sparks ".
From the 16th century up to today they have come observing lights in the surface of the Moon, generally white and of the size of a star, but also there met red, yellowish or bluish, that were moving or were static between(among) a few second ones and several days. The FISHNET calls to these observations Transitory Lunar Phenomena or LTPs (Lunar Transient Phenomena), and he gathered in 1968 a list of 579 documented well incidents, gathered between 1540 and 1967.
Up to the date there is not known what these phenomena owe, since in the Moon there are not even either volcanoes or light sources; in addition, they increase inexplicably when Mars is more near next. The Earth and the Moon are an almost a planetary double system, due to abnormally great size of our satellite, nevertheless this one is a geologically dead world and without atmosphere; it is a great dead boulder, but that encloses her mysteries, as a magnetic irregular field, waters down in opposition to any forecast ... and LTP's. And the more the phenomenon has been investigated major doubts arise and the more it is what hides itself.
In 1969, during the flight of the American module Eagle in orbit about the Moon, the Central Mission of Houston received several calls of fond astronomers that they informed about LTP in the surrounding areas of the crater Aristarco, closely together wherefrom the ship would happen. So Houston asked Neil Armstrong to appear to the window to seeing that it he saw, the astronaut reported on: " an area considerably more illuminated than the zones of around. It seems that it has something of fluorescence ". One never declared the FISHNET on this phenomenon, in spite of the fact that the levels of radioactivity of the zone were of difficult explanation.
Labels: moon ufo apollo 11 hoax fake conspiracy LTP Armstrong theory Lunar Transient Phenomena
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