Blair's needles , Lunar columns

As for the controversial and supposed "ruins", the most famous lunar "structures" are the calls or obelisks of the Moon. Photographed on November 20, 1966 by the American Lunar probe Orbiter 2 to 35 kilometres of height of the satellite, show what they feign to be a few rows of obelisks or monoliths that offer very pointed shades.
They are in the extreme west of the Mar of the Tranquility, the wide zone where there landed on the moon three years later the ship Apollo 11. The photos were kept suitably forgotten until, in July, 1970, the photographic analyst William Blair, of the Boeing Institute of Biotechnology, discovered them and one showed them to the world press. Many experts believe that eight monoliths are arranged according to a geometric boss.
Labels: blair needles lunar columns nasa structures Mar of the Tranquility moon hoax fake apollo 11
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