Hypothesis of impact

The hypothesis of the impact seems preferred at present. He supposes that our satellite was formed after the collision against the Earth of a body of approximately the seventh one of the size of our planet. The impact did that gigantic blocks of matter were jumping to the space for later and, by means of a process of acreción similar to which formed the rocky planets near the Sun, to generate the Moon.
The most doubtful of this theory is that too many united coincidences would be have to give. L probability of striking with an errant star was very high to the beginning of the Solar System. More difficult it is that the collision was not disintegrating totally the planet and that the fragments were it sufficiently big as to be able to generate a satellite.
The theory of the impact has been reproduced by help of computers, simulating a shock with an object which size would be equivalent to that of Mars, and that, with a speed lower than the 50.000 km/h, would make the formation of a satellite possible.
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